5 Activities to be Mindful with Marijuana


One of the wonders of marijuana is its powerful ability to bring us into different states of mind. Whether you’re feeling stuck, in a loop, or looking to expand your perception -- marijuana could help you get through your mental obstacle when aligning it with mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the state of being aware of your presence and acknowledging your thoughts and physical & emotional feelings. It’s a patient endeavor to help us understand our obstacles and to establish a deep connection with ourselves.

To enhance that deep connection, pairing your high with an activity is the best way to learn more about yourself and reveal your creativity. This will also tether your high from stranding too far from reality. Below are five activities you could do while high to enhance your mindfulness and introspection. These are everyday activities -- so, allow your conscious to stand out and don’t be afraid to feel different. 

We recommend pairing these activities with a Sativa or a Sativa-dominated strain. 

Please be aware that anything that can pose a threat to your safety, the safety of others, and your environment is not endorsed by the Marijuana Professor, and will not take any responsibility for your actions.


1. Mindful Meditation

Recommended Length: 5-15 minutes

Energy Required: Low to Medium

Whether you’re high or not, it’s always great to practice mindful meditation to connect with yourself on a deeper level. To get the most creativity out of your high, you should reflect on your day by asking yourself questions about the causes and factors that affect your day. Recognize where you could’ve made a difference, whether the results are good or bad. This is your time to think about your future and what you want to accomplish. Close your eyes, set your timer,  and allow your imagination to be an open canvas with your heart leading the paintbrush of possibilities.


2. Writing/Journaling

Recommended Length: 5-20 minutes

Energy Required: Low to Medium

Similar to meditation, writing is another way to practice mindfulness and get in touch with your creativity. No, don’t expect or feel the need to write your own Don Quixote -- you are high after all and reflecting on yourself. It’s best to start writing as soon as you finish your smoke. Like the meditation thought pattern above, reflect on your day and write about how you’re feeling, the factors that affected your day, and how you want your future to look. Most importantly, be honest with yourself as this is your writing.

Bonus: When you’re on the comedown of your high, write about your experience and how it made you feel. Read what you wrote earlier and feel free to respond to yourself if it elicits it.


3. Cooking

Recommended Length: 15-60 minutes

Energy Required: Medium to High

With that said, cooking is a good way to showcase your creativity while feeding the munchies. The length of your cooking is up to your discretion -- whether you want to whip up an Italian Sandwich or cook chicken alfredo from scratch (I’m craving Italian food), just keep in mind when the munchies hit you will want to munch on anything. 

Mindfulness is incorporated into cooking when you think about the food you’ve cooked in the past and how it developed your palate. This is your opportunity to expand your palate and try new meals or ingredients you haven’t tried before or didn’t like in the past. Again, when the munchies hit, you will want to munch on anything.


4. Walking

Recommended Length: 15-90 minutes

Energy Required: Low to Medium

This is a personal favorite of mine as it brings out our inner swashbuckler. No, you won’t have to duel pirates to defend your honor but you may appreciate the unplanned high adventure of a long walk. Whether you’re walking in your neighborhood, downtown, or in nature -- it’s a good time to observe what goes on in our world and our place in it. Be open to side adventures that appear as an opportunity on your walk -- this can present itself as a yard sale, a restaurant, a bar, a park, or a trail depending on where you are. Embrace the unpredictability of your adventure to unlock inner revelation and inspiration.


5. Stretching/Exercise

Recommended Length: 10-90 minutes

Energy Required: Medium to High

To be mindful of your entire being, it’s pertinent to acknowledge your physical self and appreciate the space it occupies. Stretching, and by extension, exercising while high is a good way to feel complete to connect your mind with your body. There’s no better feeling than feeling confident after loosening and exercising your muscles. 

Personally, I do this at the end of the day during the work week to reflect on the day and plan for the next day and in the mornings during the weekend to enjoy myself without the pressures of work. Everyone has their own way and schedule of being physically active while high -- but this might be a good starting point.