6 Common Stoner Myths Debunked: What You Need to Know

We’ve all heard a variety of myths about smoking marijuana. Most are myths about weed being a gateway drug or making you go crazy (you should really watch Reefer Madness (1936) if you haven’t already). But I’m here to tell you about the myths stoners spread amongst themselves. Some are believable, some are… really not. Here are 6 myths we’ve either heard or told other people for fun:


6. “Coughing gets you higher”

This is probably the most believable stoner myth. But that’s probably because if you’re coughing, maybe you just took a really big hit. Usually, though, this is just an excuse for someone’s poorly rolled blunt or joint. And if you’re coughing, it might just be your body telling you to slow down!


 5. “You don’t get high the first time you smoke”

This one is kinda true, but not for the reason you think. If you’re an experienced pothead who’s introduced a buddy to the ganja gang, you know that most first-timers tend to take light pulls and release the smoke without inhaling. Put that person in a (parked, please) car with the windows rolled up, and you can be sure that they’ll get high.


4. “George Washington smoked weed”

I know we all want this one to be true. He grew hemp, but never smoked marijuana.


3. “White lighters are bad luck”

This one probably isn’t true. Maybe. You’re not going to catch me using a white lighter though… just in case.


2. Chewing the stems gets you higher

There are two types of people who tell you this. The first is someone who is trying to mess with you and get you to chew the stem of a plant. The second… you probably shouldn’t call if you’re on Who Wants to be a Millionaire. If you ever find yourself questioning whether this one is true, think about whether you’d think chewing a nug of weed would get you high.  


1. “I’ll be there in ten minutes”

This is usually what you hear the guy selling you weed tells you. Thankfully, in most states you can now go to a dispensary whenever you like!