Overcome the Green-Out: 5 Essential Tips to Regain Control

“Oh Fuck, I think I took one too many hits,” is something our internal voice tells us once we’re about to Green Out. Greening out is part of the spiritual journey to handling the great powers that Shiva bestowed on our blessed Earth. Humbleness is a step forward on the path of self-actualization but it has its nauseating side effects. Here are 5 things of literary Dramamine to help ease the green out. 

1. Using Your Internal Voice

You know the voice you’re using to read this article, you should raise its volume and use it when you feel overwhelmed. In general, it’s good life practice as it can help you find a configurable solid ground for you to make sense of your overstimulation. 

When you’re high, your senses are heightened and will make you susceptible to overstimulation. We all have different ways of becoming overstimulated -- whether it be from varying noises, lights, smells, tastes, or temperature -- it’s normal and good to know to talk yourself into a state of calmness. By understanding and explaining to yourself, “you’re high and overstimulated, but it’s okay because you recognize this,” you’re a plane about to land on the runway.

2. Stand or Sit and Control Your Breathing

Now, let’s just say you tried using your internal voice but it’s nowhere to be found, or you used it but you need a supplemental. My guy, just stand up if you’re been sitting down or sit down if you’ve been standing up, and try to control your stoner-ass breathing! Our bodies are beautiful because they’re a bunch of complicated systems wrapped with flesh, and when we’re high, those systems tend to be overstimulated. By changing our bodily position we’re signaling to our brain that we’re changing our overstimulated perspective, which can bring some sense of relief. Coupling that with controlling our breathing -- we’re now on the path of reclaiming our sense of being. 


3. Remove Yourself (It’s Okay)

If you’re with a group of people and you’re finding yourself greening out, it’s okay to leave for a “bathroom break.” Removing yourself from a group of people will not only make you feel less stimulated, but it will give you the breathing room to do what you need to do to take control of your body in order to feel less stimulated. Let a friend know that you’re leaving the group for a “bathroom break” just in case they may need you or something happens to you. 

4. Hydrate!

About 60% of our body is made up of water, so there is a reason why we feel our parents (depending of their origin) would recommend drinking water whenever you’re feeling unwell. The same logic applies to when we’re greening out. Hydration when greening out is a small but effective remedy to supply our body with the substance that it’s mainly made up of. In general, it’s always good to drink water while smoking to prevent dry throat and to prevent headaches (deyhyration is easy, folks!).


5. Say What You Know, Do What You Must, Come What May (Throw Up)

Well, if all else fails, your body must do what it must. If you feel it in your stomach, you should listen to your gut. Throwing up is completely normal when greening out -- especially if you’ve taken an edible on an empty stomach. The world may seem dizzy, you can’t seem to grasp yourself back into reality, and you just need to let out what’s in your stomach. If you’re not sure if you’re going to throw up, it’s best as a rule of precaution to go to the bathroom just in case you’re going to yack it up. What’s worse than throwing up is throwing up on someone. 

Closing thoughts: It’s completely normal to green out and you shouldn’t be hard on yourself. As long as you remember the 5 above things you can do to prevent it (or mitigate it), you’ll be ready for the next time you get a taste of the green!